July 2016 Student of the Month: Robert McGrath

Our Student of the Month for July 2016 is Robert McGrath. Robert passed all sections of the CPA Exam and highly recommends Roger CPA Review. since the delivery style enabled him to really grasp the content and apply it. He now has his own practice and we wish him the best of luck in developing his business and all his endeavors as a CPA!

Student:  Robert McGrath

Exam Sections Passed:  AUD, BEC, FAR, REG

Current Firm:  Robert McGrath, EA

Why did you take Roger CPA Review?

After a marathon 5 month effort to pass FAR in Oct 2015, I found the process a very time consuming, exhausting and lonely experience. I wanted a little more “push” in preparing for the next 3 exams, so I selected Roger. I soon validated my decision: with Roger, I passed AUD after a 6 week crash program. Better yet, I increased my score 5 points on the third and another 5 points on the fourth exam! I wish I had used Roger CPA for FAR! I even considering redoing FAR so I could study the Roger materials, but like Roger says “I don’t think so!”

How did you hear about our review course?

I got a recommendation from someone using Roger. Also, I saw many of Roger’s YouTube videos, one of which I watched repeatedly (while studying for FAR) to motivate myself.

What was your favorite aspect of the course?

That’s easy. Roger’s delivery style. His knowledge, ability to communicate the material in a very down-to-earth and human way, and his passion for the material were of tremendous benefit. The humor helped a lot too.

How has passing the exam affected your personal and professional life?

Successfully navigating the Uniform CPA Exam process is a 3-D experience (requiring Discipline, Dedication and Determination). It certainly improves one’s memory! The other side of the exam experience is a wonderful place and a lifetime achievement! I’ll proudly wear the Roger CPA shirt anywhere!

What piece of advice do you have for other CPA Exam candidates?

A big thank you to my “CPA Guardian Angel”, Roger Phillip and the whole team. I’m still in awe of how much I learned! I’m really satisfied that I took on this “impossible” challenge and passed. Having the support of my family, friends and CPA mentors, and an excellent program such as Roger made success a reality for me.

Anything else you would like to share?

A big thank you to my “CPA Guardian Angel”, Roger Phillip and the whole team. I’m still in awe of how much I learned! I’m really satisfied that I took on this “impossible” challenge and passed. Having the support of my family, friends and CPA mentors, and an excellent program such as Roger made success a reality for me.

Favorite quote?

“…It was Grit! Grit is passion and perseverance for very long term goals. Grit is having stamina. Grit is sticking with your future….” (Angela Lee Duckworth on grit and success).

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