Try the Most Comprehensive CIA Review Course
We’re confident you’ll love UWorld CIA Review course materials. That’s why we’re excited to offer 7 days of free, instant access for all 3 CIA exam parts!
We are proud to announce our acquisition of Wiley Efficient Learning’s exam review portfolio. UWorld Accounting now includes CIA exam prep, combining thousands of challenging practice questions with our innovative approach to learning technology.
What’s Included In My Free Trial?
Begin using UWorld’s CIA Review courses for free and join the 2 million students who have
found success on their high-stakes exams.
Quality Where It Counts
There is a reason so many candidates trust us to guide them through
CIA exam success. Explore our top features below.
Engaging Video Lectures
Industry-Leading QBank
CIA Exam Study Guides
Detailed Performance Metrics
Customizable Study Planner
Get Started with Your Free Trial - No Credit Card Required
What Our Students Think About UWorld CIA Review
In my opinion (cue the audit jargon) the QBank is one of the main reasons I have passed so far. It gives me the option to choose questions from the sections I need to focus on.”
I am finishing my testing to get my certification this year. I love being able to read a book and have a break from the screen! I do wish that you could print out the MCQs to be able to work them. Maybe offer an MCQ and TBS Book with space to write. Thanks for purchasing Wiley!”
I only used the QBank, and I am grateful for the huge variety of questions. It's been an amazing feeling getting through two parts of the exam so far, which has encouraged me to get ready for the third.”
4 Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Free Trial
Select a few CIA Review courses and set aside time to compare the program features, price, ease of use, and exam pass rate for students who have taken the course.
- Are the answer explanations in-depth and informative, or do the explanations merely state, “answer a is correct because b, c, and d are incorrect?”
- Are video lectures energized and engaging, or will this instructor put you to sleep?
- Is performance tracking data driven, showing you exactly what to study, or are you left guessing?
If a specific CIA exam topic is giving you trouble, find that subject in your trial course and get to work. Decide if the course is able to break down that difficult topic and make it more understandable. The CIA exam is a beast of information, so you’ll want a product that helps you master the 14 domains efficiently.
90% of information received by the brain is visual, so if you are a visual learner, you want a course that provides high-quality, educational illustrations that complement answer explanations. If you are an auditory learner, you will benefit from engaging and innovative lectures. It is important to select a CIA review course that suits your learning style.