2017 CPA Exam Sample Test Launched Today


It’s finally here! Today, the AICPA just released a sample of the 2017 CPA Exam which will make its debut on April 1, 2017. In order to access the sample exam, make sure you have Internet Explorer, which is the web browser platform required to view and interact with it. You can find a refresher of what changes the 2017 CPA Exam will entail here. 

Whether you’re taking both the current and 2017 exam to obtain your license, or you’re only taking the new version, it’s important to become familiarized with the exam as soon and as much as possible. Take advantage of this sample exam release to know what content, structure, and administrative changes to expect to get a better understanding of how the changes’ overall formatting will affect your exam experience. 

Access the 2017 CPA Exam sample test here. 

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