Avoid These 3 Pitfalls When Studying For The CPA Exam

In order to successfully prepare for and pass the CPA Exam, it’s important for CPA candidates to focus on successful strategies by developing positive study habits and avoiding these three common mistakes:

1. Not having a CPA Exam game plan

Research has shown that students who have a study plan are more likely to stick to their studies and reach their goals. Therefore, a study plan can make all the difference between passing and failing the CPA Exam.

2. Not giving yourself enough time to pass the CPA Exam

It’s easy to underestimate the amount of time needed to pass the CPA Exam, especially when you’re working or going to school full-time. The CPA Exam requires a full-time commitment outside of school and work. It’s important to set the correct expectations with not only your friends and family, but also with yourself. Set aside time to study the adequate hours that you need. And remember–you’re investing in your future, so all of the hours spent studying will be worth it in the end.

3. Not practicing enough Multiple Choice Questions and Simulations

While it’s imperative to watch your course lectures and learn the material, working through practice questions is just as vital to your success! Important connections are made when you put your knowledge to the test and work through hundreds of Multiple Choice Questions and Simulations. This tactic helps to reinforce the exam material and ensures a better grasp of the material.

By being fully prepared, giving yourself enough time to study, and working through MCQs and SIMS every day, you’ll be setting yourself up for CPA Exam success!

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