Charlotte Roberts Featured On Accounting Today To Address CPA Pipeline Through Early Education


Roger CPA Review’s Senior Vice President of eLearning, Charlotte Roberts, has been featured on Accounting Today to talk about the importance of increasing the pipeline of CPA candidates that has otherwise been flat for the past 5 years. 

Roberts’ article, Increasing the CPA Pipeline Through Early-stage Accounting Education, points out that the industry can increase the number of CPA Exam candidates on an annual basis through early awareness in high school and beyond.

She states that accounting professors can play a large role by showcasing positive narratives about the profession, explaining why the CPA credential is the “gold standard”, and encouraging students to complete the exam and focus on their career as close to graduation as possible. 

According to the article:

There are a number of accounting programs — St. John’s University and the University of California at Berkeley, to name a few — out in front of the CPA candidate pipeline issue that are already incorporating concepts at a baseline level. The starting pointing is easy: Speak up! Mentioning “The CPA Exam requires X, Y and Z and you will see 1, 2 and 3” is the most important step in the process. Planting the seed and managing expectations up front will not only allow professors to add to their expertise, but also increase their level of interaction with students.

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