CPA Exam Blogger Philip: The Final Countdown

Philip is a resident of the great state of New York, but has inspired and motivated fellow Roger students through online forums and social media platforms across the globe. Philip has already passed FAR.

Hello. I am totally drinking down my Diet Dr. Pepper with a super bold cup of coffee on my desk.  Feeling pretty caffeinated.  Its been a fun two months going thru Auditing, and now I am in the final stretch.  I test on Tuesday and cant wait to move onto BEC.  But before I get ahead of myself, I want to share what my routine is this week.

I am risk managing my focus areas, meaning last time I tested for Auditing, I didnt get a single question on IT; so I am spending very little time, if any on IT.  However, I am reviewing each of the major areas where I got lambasted with questions.  I gave up on my Wiley homework book and am focusing solely on the software, which by the way is more closely worded to the actual exam. 

So I am plowing thru each major section per night, reviewing ALL of the questions and redoing those I got wrong.  At this point, having spent nearly 300 hours studying for Auditing, I can pretty much quote Rogers text book and my employees are getting sick of hearing about why its such a CRIME to not know what things to communicate with the Audit Committee when the Auditor DISAPPROVES of something.  Gotta love those PIPS. 

I am saving all of the simulations for the weekend and plan on doing a very light basic review Monday before my exam.  Last time I tested for Auditing, I mentally put myself into a panic, a much needless panic.  Monday, I plan on relaxing, spending some time with the family, and yes, catching up on the Big Bang Theory. 
In the words of one CPA Exam Instructor/Guru if you study, you will pass.  I studied, now all I have to do is answer the questions. 

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