If you want to avoid the big changes taking place on the CPA Exam in 2017, there’s no time like the present. With the added hour to both the BEC and REG sections of the Exam, an increased number of Task-Based Simulation questions for all sections, and testing of high-order skills, there’s no doubt that many candidates are looking to complete their CPA Exam by the end of next year. And rightfully so. Here are a few good reasons why you should start preparing yourself to take and complete the CPA Exam in 2016.
You’ll be fine with the 2016 CPA Exam changes
We know what you’re thinking. As if the 2017 CPA Exam changes aren’t enough, there’s also going to be changes to the 2016 version?! The answer is yes, but the changes are very minor and not at all something to be worried about. Most of the changes on the 2016 CPA Exam are a result of recent Accounting Standard Updates issued by the FASB, which will be testable in the FAR section. AUD and REG will undergo minor changes as well, while BEC will not change at all.
To avoid the drastic 2017 changes
The 2017 changes can appear to be daunting and somewhat scary. After all, questions will now be asked in such a way to test candidates’ high-order skills. This means that passing will be based on your ability to apply, analyze, and evaluate information whereas the current Exam focuses on remembering, understanding, and applying information.
Because you can
In some states, you can actually sit for the CPA Exam before meeting the education requirements. For example, Washington has a provisionary period of 180 days (6 months). This means that if you’re due to graduate and meet all the educational requirements in June 2016, you can sit for the Exam in January 2016. Simply check in with your state’s Board of Accountancy to obtain the necessary paperwork. Provisionary periods vary in select states.
To get ahead of the game
If there was ever a good push of motivation that you needed in order to finally take the plunge and commit yourself to the CPA Exam, this is it. Because the AICPA announced the 2017 Exam changes more than a year in advance, they’re giving candidates a good head start opportunity to do a 12 month study plan and pass all 4 sections by the end of 2016.
You won’t only be ahead of the game in terms of not having to deal with new study material, techniques, and practice questions for the new Exam, but you’ll also be ahead of the game just for your own personal goals and career growth. Get the exam out of the way and move on with your life. The sooner you prepare to sit for the CPA Exam, the sooner you can take it. The sooner you pass, the sooner your life can begin.
So don’t wait until 2017—prepare and sit for the CPA Exam in 2016 and reap the benefits!