CPA Exam Day Experience

I took REG on Saturday and now all I can do is wait. for a month!  Oh, and start studying for BEC.  Saturdays exam was the third different Prometric Center that I have tested at.  On my way to Prometric I listened to Rogers Audio Course. Of course, I swear I only had two questions on the section that I listened to, so I guess I should have chosen a different section.  I arrived at Prometric early as planned and I studied some flash cards that I had made in the car before I went in. I recommend you go into the Prometric center about 30 minutes before your appointment time, just to give yourself a nice buffer.

The office was by far the smallest that I had seen and the place was crowded. There were 6 other test takers in front of me and I had to wait a while before I got to go into the testing area.  When it was my turn to go in they made me flip out my pockets, lift my shirt arms and pant legs and waved me down with a metal detector.  The testing center was almost claustrophobic.  Fortunately, once you sit down at your cubicle, you do not really notice your surroundings.  In the past I have worn the headphones to block out any noise in the room, however the pair at my desk were crooked and I took them off immediately.  When I was waiting to be checked in, I saw a guy who brought in his own ear plugs (the ear plugs that squish into your ears).  Ill have to remember to bring in my own ear plugs next time.  Hopefully I will be able to use them.

When I was done with the exam I was not sure how I felt.  I’m still not sure how I feel about my performance.  I can tell you that I was much more confident on my way in then on my way out.  Its amazing that I practiced over 800 MCQs and they still had questions that boggled my mind.  I could tell that the testlets had gotten harder as I progressed.  The first section I only flagged 3 questions, and then more on the second and even more on the third.  I had at least 3 questions that my answers were flat out guesses.  Other questions I had narrowed down to two answers and guessed between those.  I finished my exam with about thirty minutes to spare so I went back and reviewed my TBSs.

The good news is that I have never felt confident after an exam.  I did pretty well on AUD (88) and I still felt like it could go either way.  I just pray that I pass or else July will be my last chance to pass REG before FAR expires.  Fingers crossed until May 5th!


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