Once the exam is over, I am going to get that printed on a t-shirt! Is it just me or does the start of a new year just feel good? Its like a clean slate. This year I’m even more excited than usual for the new year because (mark my words!) I will be a CPA in 2014. I know its going to be tough to finish REG and FAR but I want this exam done so badly!!!
I’m starting to get nervous about REG with my exam date coming up I have a lot more to review. I feel like I have a lot of information floating around in my head especially all of Rogers great acronyms! My boyfriend and I were in the car over the holidays and I drove so he could quiz me on my notes and Rogers acronyms. I’m happy to report he has memorized ACID BRAINS but has absolutely no idea what it means!
This past week I was doing multiple choice questions at my local coffee shop where I had been sitting near the same person that also was studying for something. We finally got to talking and I found out she is sitting for the bar exam in February she shared with me that after being out of school for some time she decided to go back to law school. In the midst of that, she got married and just recently had a baby. She started working for a law firm a few weeks ago I love hearing stories like that because it instantly makes you put your situation in perspective. Oh you just started a brand new full-time job, have a newborn baby who doesn’t sleep and are studying for a professional exam? If she can do it, so can I and so can YOU! Happy New Year, everyone! What are your goals/resolutions this year?
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