2017 CPA Exam Course Materials Are Here!


Over the past two years we’ve invested more than $4.5 million in Research and Development of our products and services. Our team continues to innovate with passion, leveraging technology and expanding our curriculum to ensure the most effective learning for our students.  We are monumentally excited to announce our most recent upgrade with the launch of our 2017 course materials, designed to successfully prepare our students for this new, more challenging exam.  

The 2017 course upgrade includes:

  • Continuously updated question bank in line with the AICPA’s new Blueprints. Includes new complex task-based simulations, providing hands-on practice with problems that test the higher-order skills analysis and evaluation.
  • Lectures and textbook lessons delivering essential guidance on how to conquer the new higher-order skills problems.
  • Unlimited Full-Practice Exams that mirror the 2017 CPA Exam structure and question functionality.

Still taking some exams before the changes occur? We highly recommend you do! Therefore, students will be able to choose which materials they want to study with for each part of the exam, and upgrade any 2016 materials to the 2017 materials when ready.

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