Guest Blogger Sherri: Back in the Saddle

Sherri shares with us her all-too-common story of losing credit for three parts previously earned due to the 18-Month Rolling Window. We think her perseverance and hopeful attitude will serve as an inspiration to all! Sherri has passed BEC, FAR, and AUD, and now embarks on the REG Exam preparation.

Admittedly, its been tough to start studying again after a break of almost two months.  This weekend I got my study plan together and started looking at Individual Taxation for my upcoming REG exam.

I haven’t firmly decided when I will take it, but my drop dead date is August 31. I don’t want to get myself into the position of losing credit again.  I am going to make every moment count right up until test day.

I was actually a bit relieved to look at the content overview and see all of the material on the exam that is not tax related.  I did well on the business law section in my last REG exam.  I’m thrilled that business law makes up a whopping 17%  – 21% of the test.   I also did well on the Ethics and Professional/Legal responsibilities section which makes up another 15% – 19%.   

Truthfully, when I graduated from college, I thought seriously about becoming a lawyer.  I decided against it, though, because I didn’t want to spend the extra time in school and the extra effort it would take to pass the BAR.  This seems to be a pretty silly thought now, however,  considering how much time and effort I’ve spent in becoming a CPA.

One of my closest friends is a CPA and a lawyer.. a deadly combination if you are not on her side of an argument, believe me!  She firmly attests that the BAR exam is much easier than the CPA exam even though she took the CPA exam a while ago. When I pass this last and final exam section, I don’t think that I will study or read anything productive for at least 6 months!  My husband and I are already planning a Florida trip in September to celebrate after the exam.  I will probably read nothing but gossip magazines and trashy novels and lay around the pool/beach for the whole trip! I’m excited to have something to look forward to in the not too distant future. I’ve just got to take this one last part of the CPA exam. And then life begins again in earnest.

It is a nice feeling to go into this next bout of studying knowing that I have the key to passing, as long as I follow my plan.  I’ll watch all of the Roger CPA Review course videos, work all of the homework problems and then spend three weeks working the problems in the test bank and taking final exams.  Once I can take a practice exam and score above an 80 on multiple attempts, I will feel confident about getting that magic 75 or better.  In the final days right before my exam, Ill take a couple of days off from work, rewrite my notes and memorize the mneumonics until I can see them in my sleep.

My mantra for the next two weeks is What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger!  (thanks Kelly Clarkson LOL)

I’ve got some work challenges that will keep me very busy this week and next, so my goal is to complete Section One of the Roger CPA Review REG Course – Individual Taxation –  by May 15th.  Hopefully, by writing it here.  Ill be accountable for making this goal happen.

Have a great work and study week everyone!
