Guest Blogger Sherri: Back In The Saddle – But Stuck in the Corral…

I’ve been a bit out of touch over the last two weeks.  I am having some difficulty finding time, energy and motivation to work on my CPA studies.  In my last post, I mentioned that I was working to complete Section One of REG by May 15.  I’ve fallen short of that goal, but still progressing.  I’m about half way through the videos, homework and reading for section 1.   I’ve been feeling a bit scattered in my approach to studying.  Although I set up a plan and organized specific target dates, I haven’t been completely committed because of work and family obligations.  I have some kind of strange spring fever going on. similar to the Senioritis that plagues upcoming high school graduates during the month of May.    I know that I NEED to study.  I just don’t want to uggggh.
Perhaps part of my problem is that now I feel like I have plenty of time to take REG exam, since I wont be faced with expiring credit until the end of August.  This is definitely the WRONG frame of mind to have!
I did get a bit of a reality check last night though when my college aged son asked how my studies were going.  The guilt trip usually goes from parent to child, rather than the other way around!   After a sermon from my son, I found a bit of the motivation that has been lacking in  recent weeks. Although it was mothers day , I started working homework problems yesterday evening and reviewed my study plan again.  I’ve got a new short term goal now, to finish Sections One and Two before the end of the month.  I’ve started bringing my textbook to work with me.  Hopefully I can use my lunch hour to make some gains on my studies as well.
I will close out my post this week by reminding everybody to stay focused on the quest.   Although its easy to get off track and see valuable study time slip away, it is important not to procrastinate beyond the point of no return.  Although Ive got plenty of time to study, I need to do a better job of creating a sense of urgency for preparing and passing this one last part.   Ill have more to report on my studies in my next post.
Study hard everyone!

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