Guest Blogger Sherri: Life’s a Beach… Once You’ve Passed the CPA Exam!

Sherri shares with us her all-too-common story of losing credit for three parts previously earned due to the 18-Month Rolling Window. We think her perseverance and hopeful attitude will serve as an inspiration to all! Sherri has passed BEC, FAR, and AUD, and just passed REG with flying colors.

Hey there everyone!  I’m writing this post from Sunny Isles, Florida.  I’m sipping on my second margarita (hmmm or is it my third?) and looking out on the beach from my comfy lounge chair.  Although the weather has been a bit rainy and cloudy, nothing can dampen my spirits.  I still feel like shouting it out loud.   I PASSED REGULATION WITH AN 88! IM FINALLY DONE WITH THE CPA EXAM! I cant believe that all of the hard work, sacrifice, anxiety filled days and sleepless nights, have finally paid off. 

I’ve been teasing my husband and family over the past week by telling them that now that I have finally finished this quest, I don’t want to do anything that requires thinking.   I told them that my new dream job is to work at Dairy Queen, making ice cream cones at the drive-thru.  All I want to do now is to perfect the art of making the perfect swirl on all of those ice cream cones.. NOT!   

Actually, I’m really excited about all of the things that life has in store for me now that I’ve accomplished one of the most arduous and difficult tasks in my life.  I feel like I can do ANYTHING!

I’m incredulous at how much I have truly been blessed with a wonderfully supportive husband, son and daughter, a great job where I feel motivated to do my best every day and the friendship of some really terrific and genuine people. 

Of course, the love and support of family and friends are not the only factors that lead to some pretty strong CPA Exam scores on my last three tests (BEC 85, AUD 89, REG 88).  The Roger CPA Review course gave me the instruction, content and confidence that I needed to pass with flying colors.  Rogers new online program is filled with the same humor, personal stories and illustrative examples found in the original course, but with an updated format that makes study time even more efficient and personalized for the individual student.  With the New Course, its possible to watch the video, view the text and take notes on line simultaneously.  The book marking tool makes it easy to mark problem areas for later review without having to search through all of the course content.  Of course, for students that still like to have a written text to work with, the printed text book is available too. 

I owe a great deal of thanks to Roger CPA Review for putting together a program that helped me to achieve success in passing all parts of the CPA Exam.   Many thanks too to Roger staff members, Alicia and Sara, who gave me a platform to blog about the exam, to maintain accountability, and to express a bit of my humorous side during the difficult time of study over the past year. 

I hope that most of you who are reading this post are relishing the same taste of success that I’ve been savoring for the past week.  For those of you who didn’t achieve that passing score, know that there are brighter days ahead.  Don’t give up!  Take a breath.  Take a bit of time away from the drudgery of studying and analyze how and what you’ve studied.  For me, I had to learn the hard way by losing credit and passing three of the four exams twice, that I needed a review program that met my individual needs.  Simply put, the Roger CPA Review course gave me a pathway to success after spinning my wheels in failure.

I will close this post by reflecting on my first entry (see below) almost 6 months ago.    Now  I’m a wife, mother, accounting manager, fitness freak and after just a bit of paperwork. A CPA!

Good luck to all of you!
