Meet the Roger CPA Review Team: Toni Williams

toni williams

This week’s Meet the Roger CPA Review Team Q&A Series is with Toni Williams, Senior Southeast Representative. Find out why Toni is so passionate about helping others and how she believes that change is a small risk to find happiness. And now, without adieu, here’s…

A Q&A with Toni Williams, Senior Southeast Representative at Roger CPA Review

What do you do at Roger CPA Review?

I am currently responsible for maintaining and growing our market presence in Southern California. However, due to growing demand, my focus is being shifted to the Southeast region of the country. I will be working with campuses, firms, and state societies providing students and staff members the information they need to pass the CPA Exam, further establishing the company’s presence in that region. 

What’s your favorite thing about working at Roger CPA Review?

When I started with the company, I just moved to California. My position gave me the opportunity to visit and explore Central and Southern California. I’ve even traveled outside of my region which was great because I enjoy exploring new cities. Additionally, I know everyone has said it, but it really is true… the people. It’s awesome to work with such an intelligent and driven team. Everybody has something incredible that they are bringing to the table. We support one another and push each other to reach our highest potential. It’s also a plus that I have such a great time with everyone!

How does your current position influence what you’re passionate about?

Just like many others in the company, I have a passion for helping others reach their goals. Our shared passion is what makes us so successful. We all want to see candidates not only pass the CPA Exam, but complete their licensure. I also love interacting with people and forming genuine relationships. This position is a good marriage of those characteristics.

Who has impacted you most in your life and how?

I have had a couple of teachers/professors in my life who saw great potential in me (even when I didn’t) and were instrumental in supporting and encouraging me to go after my goals. They challenged me and gave me opportunities to showcase my talents and shine. I will be always be thankful for them. They are the reason I am so passionate about helping others.

If you could go back in time and do one thing over, what would it be and why?

It took me awhile to think of something but then it hit me- elementary school talent show. I was in 4th or 5th grade when my friend and I did a jazz routine to Mariah Carey’s “Dreamlover” (in hideous neon leopard unitards  and sequin headbands, I might add). The whole performance I was staring at her making sure she didn’t mess up because she blew it in our final rehearsal by doing completely different choreography. As a performer, it was not my finest moment and it lives on a VHS tape that no one will ever see because who owns a VCR these days? 

If you could offer one piece of career (or life) advice to recent college graduates, what would it be?

Do what makes you happy. It’s pretty cliché, but it took me a long time to actively practice this. Don’t get hung up on pleasing everybody. Don’t reach a point of complacency- it’s a horrible place to be. If you’re not happy about something in your life (your job, where you live, your hair color, etc.) then change it. Change can be scary but your happiness is worth the risk. 

What is your favorite quote or mantra?

I have two. “Destiny is not a matter of chance. It is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for. It is a thing to be achieved.” 
“Gratitude is the key to abundance.” I actually have both of these tattooed on me as a constant reminder that it is up to me to create the life I want to live and to always be grateful. 

How do you plan to enjoy the summer the rest of the summer?

Since I will be relocating to Atlanta with the company, I plan to make the most of the time I have left in Los Angeles. I have a “Before I leave LA” bucket list and hope to knock out some of those items with the help of my bestie. We might even throw in a Vegas trip before pool season ends because…why not?

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