Roger CPA Review New Course Features

In the article “The Future of Learning” released by AICPA, they discuss the significance of how the learning model has evolved due to the advancement of technology: “Educators of all types have known that the more personalized and purposeful the education delivery, the better the learning results. And in our technology-driven world, customized learning is not a luxury, it’s an imperative.”

We couldn’t agree more. That’s why we just launched a newly advanced eLearning platform. This new system stems from our 3 part teaching methodology: Learn, Practice, and Support. In this article, we will dive a bit deeper into the Learn portion of our program, which has been redesigned with purposeful technology to help students cognitively learn more effectively, retain information more efficiently and ultimately perform successfully on the CPA Exam. 

Streamlined Learning Tools

Home to where the eTextbooks and video lectures live, our Course Player’s improved functionality format makes it the ideal integration for a streamlined learning approach. As the video lecture topics correlate to the eTextbook, students can simultaneously watch their course lectures while following along with the text side-by-side. The optimized eTextbook interface that includes key word search, zoom, ease of navigation, and even the ability to highlight the text gives students an interactive study experience as they progress through each section of their CPA Exam review.

Closed Captioning 

Students now have the option to turn on closed captioning, or subtitles, while watching their Roger CPA Review lecture videos. This study tool will benefit students in many ways, such as aiding with comprehension as reading along with the lectures improves clarity as well as increases retention and engagement with the material. Students will furthermore have the ability to watch their lectures anywhere anytime without the use of headphones and despite noisier environments.

Closed captioning will also greatly benefit our growing international student base, where English is their second language. This feature will not only significantly aid in understanding, but also improve clarity, vocabulary, enunciation, and overall English proficiency. As they follow along with their lectures, studies show that closed captioning reinforces learning content-relevant vocabulary through both the written word and visual imagery.

Adjustable Lecture Speed

We know that every student learns at their own pace. Literally. With the adjustable lecture speed, students can either slow down or speed up their video lectures according to their own learning style and preference. This gives students control over the pace in which the lectures are being delivered and is a great option for reviewing entire lectures at a time. They can slow down parts that need some extra attention while speeding up areas they are already familiar with.

Our adjustable lecture speed truly gives students the ability to tailor their studies with their learning styles. This will be especially beneficial for our international students. If they are having trouble keeping up with the lecture, they can choose a speed that allows them to listen, take notes, and follow along comfortably. Both the options for closed captioning and adjustable lecture speed contribute to making the Roger CPA Review course concious of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

The new course player and its features

The new student dashboard

With these changes in effect, the “Learn” portion of our program gives students what they need to successfully pass the CPA Exam by enabling them to become more engaged and interactive with their studies. This approach allows students to form connections between the material they’re learning and the real world, making the journey toward CPA licensure efficient, effective, and, most importantly, enjoyable.

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