Top 6 Tips to Outsmart Vacation

While your friends and family jet off for a long-weekend getaway to Tahoe or the Hamptons, you’ll be cooped up and curled up with your CPA Review material inside. Alone. Before you start feeling all bummed, however, many-a-CPA-candidate have forfeited this long, luxurious weekend in the name of the CPA Exam. Tune in below to our Top 3 Tips to Outsmart Vacation for CPA wannabes that kicked their weekend plans to the curb.

  1. Whats that sound? Oh wait, its silence! Take advantage of the 3 day long ghost town and soak up the uninterrupted study time. And, don’t you dare let distractions get in the way of your productivity you did not miss the poolside BBQ to stalk your friends cousins friends brother on Facebook, did you?
  2. Just say no to pity parties: Another plus side of ditching Facebook for FAR? You wont have to see the endless photos your buddies upload throughout the weekend. Don’t let the fact that No one else is studying this weekend hinder your progress. You want to be a CPA? Then work for it!
  3. Don’t forget to give yourself a pat on the back! Hey, you did practice a whole load of self-control by nixing plans so that you could study. Go ahead and reward yourself with a movie or a couple hours in the sun you deserve it. Plus, the quick brain-break might actually help your retention of that pesky material.

Now, for the rest of you… You decided to ditch your books and hit the road, but before your guilt settles in – your weekend isnt a lost cause.  Tune in below for our Top 3 Tips to Outsmart Vacation for on-the-go future CPAs.

  1. Preparation is key! Jot down those difficult to learn concepts, memory aids and mnemonics on portable flash cards and tote them everywhere. You’re in line at Disney World? Well that’s 30 minutes of straight studying right there. Sitting in a boat, waiting for the fish to bite? That’s another potential hour of some pretty serene studying.
  2. Multi-task your relaxation. Every afternoon you like to soak up some rays poolside? Well, perfect. Grab that unoccupied chaise lounge and crack open the books. Imagine that you can get tanner and smarter at the same time!
  3. Get back on the horse! Alright, so maybe you’re in CPA Exam-lite mode, but when the weekend winds down, its time to dive back into your study plan…head first. If you didn’t account for a weekend off in your CPA Exam study planner, wake up early before work and redeem yourself the following week.  Don’t let the long weekend set you back and sabotage your studies.

Have a safe and smart holiday weekend!

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