After failing the CPA Exam a few times with another CPA Review course, Jerri Mooney switched to Roger CPA Review and passed! Learn more about how she did it after being out of school for over 25 years!
Student: Jerri Mooney
Current Firm: NewFields
Why did you take Roger CPA Review?
I started out with another review course, but after many starts and stops, I decided I needed a new method to help me finish.
How did you hear about our review course?
I believe it was through a general web search, and/or the website “This Way to CPA”.
What was your favorite aspect of the course?
I’d have to say Roger. 🙂 He kept the lectures engaging and entertaining, which goes a very long way to staying motivated!
How has passing the exam affected your personal and professional life?
Personal life – I actually get to have one now! Seriously, it has shown me that no matter the struggle or the odds, if I stay determined, I can do anything. Professional life – just the fact that I was pursuing the credential has helped in many ways, and now that I have passed, I know more good things are to come.
What piece of advice do you have for other CPA Exam candidates?
Don’t get discouraged – stay the course, follow the Roger Method, and you can pass! If I, someone who has been out of college for over 25 years, can do it, anyone can!
Anything else you would like to share?
It took me many tries (you wouldn’t believe how many!) and I would lose credits as the 18 months rolled around (work life kept presenting challenges that would interfere), but in the end, I mastered the beast that is the CPA Exam. It is totally worth it!
Favorite quote?
Faith Manages!
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