Check out this month’s Student Spotlight: Amanda Stajcar! Amanda was able to pass all four sections of the exam with the help of Roger CPA review.
Student: Amanda Stajcar
Exam Sections Passed: AUD, BEC, FAR, REG
Current Firm: Newland and Company
Why did you take Roger CPA Review?
I chose Roger because he best suited my personality. If I was going to spend countless hours devoted to studying it better be with someone that can make me laugh and bring a little light to my life.
How did you hear about our review course?
I did my research on the internet and looked into many different options to find a course that suited my personality. I stumbled upon Roger CPA Review and never looked back.
What was your favorite aspect of the course?
There are many aspects of the course that will forever remain as my favorite. Initially it was how enthusiastic and entertaining Roger is during his lectures. This was initially what sold me on the course. Lets be honest, we all know that some accounting topics aren’t the most exhilarating , especially when we can all find something better do be doing on a Friday night, but Roger really does keep you engaged and laughing throughout his lectures. During the middle of my review they released a brand new feature, SmartPath Technology. This took my study sessions to a whole new level. I was able to track my strong and weak areas compared to other successful CPA candidates in order to make the most out of each study session.
How has passing the exam affected your personal and professional life?
There are many aspects of the course that will forever remain as my favorite. Initially it was how enthusiastic and entertaining Roger is during his lectures. This was initially what sold me on the course. Lets be honest, we all know that some accounting topics aren’t the most exhilarating , especially when we can all find something better do be doing on a Friday night, but Roger really does keep you engaged and laughing throughout his lectures. During the middle of my review they released a brand new feature, SmartPath Technology. This took my study sessions to a whole new level. I was able to track my strong and weak areas compared to other successful CPA candidates in order to make the most out of each study session.
What piece of advice do you have for other CPA Exam candidates?
Perseverance. If it was easy everyone would do it. You are one step ahead of those who haven’t attempted the exam, and though when you’re in the middle of your studying it’s easy to lose sight of the end result, but it’s entirely worth the feeling when you see that final passing score. Stay Positive. It is easy to get sucked into feeling like it’s not worth it, or why are you even studying in the first place? But it is worth it and you aren’t alone in the crazy emotions that go along with studying.
Anything else you would like to share?
Taking the leap to study is a major sacrifice in your life. Though the time spent studying may seem like it is never ending, comparatively to your entire career span it is such a short time frame and you will never have to look back one you are finished.
Favorite quote?
“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” Thomas Edison
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