After teaching high school French, Dawn Edelstein decided it was time to change her career path to accounting. But it wasn’t an easy journey, or transition. After studying with another review course and starting a family, Dawn thought she would never pass the CPA Exam–until she stumbled upon Roger CPA Review. Learn more about her incredible story below.
Student: Dawn Edelstein
Exam Sections Passed: AUD, BEC, FAR, REG
University/College: Northeastern University
Why did you take Roger CPA Review?
I watched Roger’s intro video on YouTube and knew I liked his style.
What was your favorite aspect of the course?
Roger’s jokes and personal, real world examples that gave clear explanations of complicated concepts.
How has passing the exam affected your personal and professional life?
Personally, I feel ready for my next challenge. This experience has shown me that anything is possible.
Professionally, it opens up new career possibilities.
Anything else you would like to share?
Roger CPA Review, I can’t thank you enough! I could never have done this without you. My first career was teaching high school French. I have a BA in French and an MA in Education. I had never studied Business or Accounting until I went back to school to change my career.
Burned out by teaching, I attended a 15 month 72 credit MS/MBA program that gave me all the credits I needed to sit for the CPA Exam. Although I left that program with two more Masters degrees and a full-time job as a Tax Associate, I didn’t feel that I had a strong understanding of accounting, and the CPA Exam seemed scary and insurmountable.
Due to relocation during the 2008 recession, when jobs were hard to come by, I thought I would take a short break from work and focus solely on the CPA Exam. At that time, I took a CPA review course that sounded like a foreign language to me. I couldn’t focus, and I couldn’t access the material. Discouraged, I went back to teaching as a private tutor. I got married, had a baby, and gave up on ever becoming a CPA.
I am so grateful for the time I had as a full-time mom, but as our son got older, I felt it was time for me to revisit my CPA career path. A random conversation with a lawyer/CPA reminded me how close I was to the CPA finish line. That is when I researched review programs and found you. I committed to your program; your jokes and personal, real world examples made this dry material interesting and fun.
First, I tackled FAR. I knew that would be the hardest section for me. I was amazed at how clearly you presented the material so that I could access concepts that had felt beyond my reach before. Although I didn’t pass on the first try, I did well enough to feel encouraged, and I passed on the second try after using your Cram Course and reworking the IPQs.
Next, I tackled BEC and REG, and I passed on my first try. Finally, I took AUD after only studying 50% of the material. I missed passing by one point. After studying the remaining material, I passed. I’m DONE! I can’t believe it.
I hope my experience will inspire others who think they can’t do it. If a former French teacher with only 15 months of accounting and business coursework could become a CPA, then anyone can do it- with Roger’s help, of course!
Favorite quote?
Question: "Ladies, what's the difference between a bond and your boyfriend?" Answer: "Eventually, the bond will mature." -Roger Philipp
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