CPA Exam Study Guide
Your Key to Studying for the CPA Exam

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Studying for the CPA Exam is challenging as it is one of the most demanding professional credential examinations. The key is to consistently put in the time and effort, remembering to treat the CPA Exam like a marathon, not a sprint. Using a CPA Exam study guide will greatly increase your chances of passing the exam.

Why Use a CPA Exam Study Guide?

The CPA Exam covers a mountain of information and it's easy to get overwhelmed, over-study, and feel burnt out. However, the phrase “study smarter, not harder,” is an excellent mantra for CPA candidates. Using diagnostic performance metrics, candidates can focus their study efforts where it matters most. A CPA Study Guide helps you progress toward targeted goals and guides you through the right CPA Exam questions.

These study guides use data from successful CPA candidates who passed the CPA Exam to create a no-fail plan for candidates to ace the exam. Here are a few reasons why you should use a CPA Exam study guide:

  • It provides a large bank of quality practice questions with thorough explanations to explain why each answer is correct or incorrect.
  • Is built based on the AICPA's blueprints and a user experience that mirrors the CPA Exam.
  • It allows you to set data-driven study goals and track your progress.
  • Delivers engaging lectures and guidance on complex CPA Exam concepts and practice questions.

Benefits of a CPA Exam Study Guide

  • High pass rates: Students opting for a CPA Exam study guide have a statistically higher passing rate than their peers.
  • Exclusive materials and insights: The college lectures and syllabus doesn’t always cover the mammoth depth required for the exam. A study guide gives you additional resources for a more profound understanding.
  • Time management: The answer to how to study for the CPA Exam comes down to effective time management. CPA study guides help candidates appropriately devote time to complex topics by breaking the material into manageable chunks.

How to Make a CPA Exam Study Plan?

With an estimated 350-450 study hours required to pass the CPA Exam, making a CPA Exam study plan is a good idea! It can help you stay on course, prioritize your goals, and work accordingly. Remember, it doesn't need to be complex - a simple spreadsheet will work. Here's how you can make an effective study plan for yourself by following these steps:

  • Define your goals: Remind yourself why you want to become a CPA and determine your ideal timeframe to pass all four CPA Exam sections.
  • Commitment list: List commitments or activities you're invested in and the exam-related days.
  • Content/Syllabus overview: Check the length and breadth of the study content for each CPA Exam section. The more you can cover, the better prepared you will be on exam day. It will give you a check of your areas of strength and weaknesses.
  • Timelines: Plot the subject matter out daily, including lectures, textbook excerpts, and practice questions. It will help you cover a range of topics within a defined period.
  • Dedicate personal time: Giving yourself some breathing space is essential, as you are running a marathon, not a sprint. Take time off periodically, and don't be overwhelmed by the subject content.

These steps will help you frame an effective CPA Exam study plan and give you the mileage to go all the way. However, the final two weeks leading up to the exam is the time to review your performance and ask, “am I ready?” If you have met all of your goals and feel ready, great! However, if there is room for improvement, carve out some time from the plan to work on problem areas. At last, leave a day or two at the end of your plan for practice exams and take ample rest a day before the exam.

UWorld CPA Study Planners

Having a plan for each day is crucial to passing the CPA Exam. The vast content can get you lost without a sense of direction. Hence, a study planner will help you map out specific lectures, textbook chapters, and practice questions exclusively for you with a logical structure. You will know which concepts you're working on and allocate time to give yourself the best shot.

The UWorld CPA review course provides 3-, 6-. 9-, and 12-month preset study planners to map out all of these tasks. Each planner includes the entire course syllabus and is completely customizable to meet your needs.

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Effective CPA Exam Study Tips and Strategies

Passing the CPA Exam requires many hours of immense dedication and effort. To help you tackle this huge undertaking, here is a collection of some of the most effective CPA Exam study tips and strategies.

  1. Create a study schedule:

    Creating and following a study schedule is necessary to prepare for the CPA Exam. A study schedule can help you optimize your preparations while accounting for your commitments, the timelines, and the vast breadth of information to cover. With a solid CPA study planner, you can devise an effective schedule that works best for you and ultimately helps you ace the exam.

  2. Utilize review materials:

    Using a CPA Review course or study guide is one of the best ways to study for the CPA Exam. With a plethora of additional resources, question banks, and a customized plan, a review course is the perfect study partner for candidates. If you follow your course and utilize all of the available tools, you will progress through your exam prep with the benefit of realistic goals, data-supported guidance, and the ability to assess your strengths and weaknesses. This reduces much of the burden and takes out the guesswork, presenting the optimal path to CPA Exam success.

  3. Take practice exams:

    As you prepare for exam day, taking a few CPA practice exams are an important step on your journey. This will help you hone in on your test-taking skills and time-management in an exam-like environment. Test your knowledge and get a feel for the exam day experience with the best CPA Review practice questions that simulate the CPA Exam.

  4. Join a study group:

    A study group is a small group of students that study together and share knowledge as they reach for the same goal of passing the CPA Exam. Joining a study group helps reinforce the subjects you’ve learned, provides a space to ask questions, and gain tips and tricks from others in your same situation. Many students vouch for joining a study group to analyze their strengths and weaknesses while building confidence.

  5. Stay motivated and believe in yourself:

    As mentioned earlier, passing the CPA Exam is a marathon, not a sprint. There will be periods of ups and downs; staying motivated and believing in yourself throughout the journey is essential. By seeking support from your friends and family, you can keep yourself motivated and inject the adrenaline of positivity. If you study, you will pass!

  6. Take breaks and rest:

    Countless studies have shown the importance of periodic breaks and ample rest to prepare yourself for intense study sessions. Feeling burnt out can severely impact your preparation for the CPA Exam and hamper your comprehension of essential concepts. Taking study breaks and giving yourself time will optimize your ability to undergo the marathon of passing the CPA Exam.

  7. Focus on difficult areas:

    When studying for the CPA Exam, it is important to identify your strengths and weaknesses. Once sorted, you can prioritize your time and focus on your most difficult areas. This will help you keep your study sessions poignant so that you can get the most out of your time.

  8. Stay organized:

    Putting aside time to study for the CPA Exam, and consistently following it, will help you achieve your goal of passing the exam. This can be difficult while working full-time, finishing a degree, or caring for a family. Incorporating your CPA Exam studies into your daily life and staying organized, as opposed to slogging through one or two long study sessions each week, will help you retain more information and make it more manageable.

  9. Proper Environment:

    ‘Your CPA Exam study environment plays a significant role in your success. A comfortable environment will help you be more productive and contribute to an organized mindset. Having your resources lined up in an area away from distractions and where you can access natural light will put you in a positive study mood. This will help keep your study sessions efficient and focused.

  10. Reward yourself:

    Rewarding yourself is a motivational hack that helps you stay fresh and excited to “hit the books,” so to speak. Setting small goals and celebrating them gives you a dose of dopamine while promoting healthy study habits. The reward can be anything from watching your favorite movies, eating delicious ice cream, or whatever brings you a little bit of happiness. Ultimately, rewarding yourself will push you to achieve your goals steadily with the result in mind.

Remember, how to study for the CPA Exam isn't one-size-fits-all. It's about your desire to pass the exam in a way that best meets your needs. If you set your game plan and use a CPA Exam study guide, you can devise the best strategy to pass with confidence!

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The best time to start studying for the CPA Exam is after graduating with a bachelor’s or master’s in accounting, as many exam topics will still be fresh on your mind. Candidates fresh out of college are still in a study mindset, making it easier to continue the habit of regularly studying and retaining more information.
Yes, you can study for the CPA Exam while working full-time. Passing the CPA Exam is directly proportional to your dedication and how much time you are willing and able to spend studying. A solid study plan can help you carve out time in your schedule each week, ensuring you stay on track and cover all of the necessary information.
Failing a CPA Exam section is not a great feeling. We understand that and recommend you take some time off to process before you give it another shot. Remember, you’ve gained valuable information from the first attempt and now you can work on the areas where you need the most improvement. Using a CPA Exam study guide will complement your preparations and help you pass the CPA Exam.
The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) recommends that candidates spend 350-450 study hours to pass all four CPA Exam sections. Each section of the CPA Exam requires an average of about 100 hours of study time. However, the study hours vary drastically depending on candidates’ strengths and weaknesses, as well as other factors.
Assessing your progress while studying for the CPA Exam will help you understand where you rank among other candidates and determine your comprehension of each topic. Using a CPA Exam study guide will provide you with real-time data to assess your progress. This data can also help you set goals and determine if you have adequately covered the information necessary for your success on exam day.


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