CPA Exam Blogger Philip: Gearing Up For Regulation

Philip is a resident of the great state of New York, but has inspired and motivated fellow Roger students through online forums and social media platforms across the globe. Philip has already passed FAR, AUD and BEC, and is now gearing up for REG.

Hello all!  Its pandemonium 2013 the scores were released and I could not believe it I PASSED!!!  During my down time between BEC and REG, I find myself lost, missing those videos of Roger making steroid jokes about Barry Bonds, drinking Mountain Dew and his infamous sneezes.  So I couldn’t help myself getting my study area ready for REG. For this blog, I figured I would share what my ritual is when I get ready for the next study section.

I organized my desk with my Roger CPA Review notes and Wiley homework book. I purchased two more legal pads for my note taking and a couple hundred index cards to make flash cards with. I really enjoyed reading Daniela’s blog this week about how she takes notes, so if you get a chance, check it out. I find that taking notes on a legal pad as I go through the videos has helped me become a better active listener. I tried to take notes in the book for FAR, but found that I need lines in order to write straight.

I printed my course schedule for REG and course breakdown. Then, I compared my Outlook calendar to the schedule and first established my testing date, which is 26 Nov 13.  On the course calendar, I added two weeks for life events, and counted backwards to get my official starting date. Simple, right?  Finally, I wrote in the exact dates that I need to be on each topic in the course schedule.  

Roger says over and over again that students with a study plan are more likely to pass the exam than those without a plan!  So make sure you spend some time developing your high level plan and your detail plan and commit yourself to actual dates.

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