5 Tips for Successful Online Learning


Unprecedented times call for unprecedented measures. The Prometric Testing Center announced that it is necessary and appropriate to temporarily close test centers in the United States and Canada for a period of 30 days, starting March 18. This step is being taken to further protect the health and well-being of the individual test takers and staff. They anticipate re-opening test centers effective April 16.

UWorld Roger CPA Review takes great pride in being a leader in eLearning, enabling our students to maximize study time with convenient, on-the-go access to all course materials, including our patent-pending SmartPath Predictive Technology, multiple-choice questions, offline lectures, and more.

As you embark on your CPA Exam studies, we wanted to offer you a few tips for studying at home during this trying time.

1. Create a conducive study space.

You may already have a space at home where you study occasionally. Is this space equipped for studying? Make sure it is quiet and has good internet access, plenty of power sources, and adequate lighting. Plan to do all of your studying in this space. By coming to the same study space every day, you will begin to create a routine and stay organized, which in turn boosts your productivity. Leave everything you need for studying in this space – books, materials, and even a set of headphones. This way, you won’t have to go looking for an essential item moments before or during a study session. 

2. Get even more productive at home.

If you’re working from home, take advantage of the time you’re not spending on getting ready, commuting, or doing other regular extracurricular activities and obligations. Utilize this time to get ahead of your studies by learning new material, reviewing, or doing practice exams. This may also be a good time to start on the FAR section of the exam if you haven’t already since it is the densest section. Allotting extra time when you otherwise wouldn’t have it could be beneficial!

3. Optimize your technology accordingly.

We’ve all been there. You’re all set to delve into an all weekend study session when your tablet says you can do nothing until you upgrade your software. Ensure all your devices are working well, that you have the necessary software downloaded, that your browser is up-to-date and that your internet speed is adequate. Optimizing your technology in advance will allow you to focus on your studies rather than wasting time dealing with technological difficulties.

4. Minimize distractions to stay mentally engaged.

Not only do you need to minimize the outside distractions (dirty dishes in the sink, laundry to be washed, kids that need to be entertained…) when selecting your study space, but you need to be aware of the online distractions as well. Every person will have a different approach to minimizing the outside distractions – perhaps a really good set of noise-canceling headphones is in order – or maybe it is making sure that your study space has a door that you can shut. Think about a strategy that will work for you now. As for the online distractions, consider silencing or turning off your phone during study sessions. And, if you’re tempted to surf the web or check your email, consider installing a website blocker, like Cold Turkey or Freedom.

5. Set a schedule and stick to it.

Part of the battle of successfully passing the CPA Exam is making sure you set a realistic study schedule and stick to it. This is a good time to practice time management skills and to nip procrastination in the bud. Get into the habit of meeting short and long-term study goals so that you’re on track for success once testing centers reopen and you’re ready to sit! 

We hope that you find these tips helpful in the coming weeks. Best of luck in your studies, and stay healthy.

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