How to Combine Halloween Festivities and the CPA Exam!

Halloween is less than a month away, and chances are, costume ideas are on your mind! Chances also are, there’s something else taking up room in your brain– a little thing called the CPA Exam. Holidays are always fun, but can be hard to balance with challenging time commitments and the stresses of life. Who has time to brainstorm the perfect Halloween costume AND soak up three sections of FAR? Never fear, Roger CPA Review has found 10 fantastic Halloween costume ideas that are perfect for your firm’s office and your kids’ Trick Or Treating route. 

Check out Top 10 Best Halloween Costumes for Accountants

  1. A Day Off — Using black lettering, write October 30, 2012 or November 1, 2012 on an orange shirt. When people ask what you are, say, “A day off!”
  2. Running Late — Show up to the office with messy hair and disheveled clothes with your pajamas showing underneath.
  3. Vending Machine — Dress in black and fasten snacks to yourself with the cost of each item displayed. To be really evil, place an “out of order” sign on the real vending machine and charge your co-workers for your snacks. When they pay, make sure you throw their snacks on the ground as the vending machine does.
  4. Office Gossip — Make up fun stories about your co-workers. Fasten the stories to yourself and put the name of your favorite grocery store tabloid on a hat. Hang around the water cooler and invite people to read the latest news.
  5. Pink Slip — No one ever wants to be served the dreaded pink slip at work. Wear a pink slip over your work clothes and chase your co-workers.
  6. Post-it Note — Wear all yellow. When people say “trick or treat” at your cube, pass out real Post-it notes.
  7. Red Tape — Buy red tape and tape it all over your clothes and cubicle. When people ask what you are, make them cut through some red tape to get the answer.
  8. Leftover — Wrap yourself in aluminum foil and give yourself an aluminum swan hat. Place a sign on your chest that says, “Anything left after 4 p.m. on Friday will be thrown away!”
  9. Happy Hour — Wrap a tie around your head and carry around an empty (yes, empty) martini glass with you throughout the day. At 5 p.m., scream, “Happy hour!”
  10. Headhunter — Carry a mannequin or doll head around with you, holding it by the hair.

Best of luck and Happy Halloween! And most of all, Happy Studying!

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