Meet the Roger CPA Review Team: Morgan Forsythe


This week’s Meet the Roger CPA Review Team Q&A Series is with Morgan Forsythe, Director of Operations and Special Projects. Learn more about what she enjoys doing during her spare time and what she loves most about working at Roger CPA Review!

What do you do at Roger CPA Review?

I am the Director of Operations and Special Projects.  Departments that are within my realm include Customer Care, IT, Web Development, Product Development, Client Services and Shipping Services.  By implementing new software, policies, and procedures, I ensure that our company continues to scale in the most efficient and effective way we can.  Within Roger CPA Review, I plan and strategize for the betterment of the company.  If you imagine a team of puzzle solvers, I’m the one that comes up with the plan 😉

What’s your favorite thing about working at Roger CPA Review?

Because the Operations team touches every aspect of the company, every single day is different.  I get to work across all functions and departments– which means I also get to work with every one of our incredible people.   Being a pioneer in our industry means that the challenges I see each day are complex and original.  It’s fulfilling to witness how my job helps the company grow and change to meet both our staff’s and student’s needs.

How does your current position influence what you’re passionate about?

A natural-born list creator, I have even been known to write something on a list that I have already accomplished just to cross it off.  I never settle until there is a process in place, the solution is found, and things are running as smoothly as possible.  My current position allows me to directly impact the systems and processes of the company, making sure that we are able to quickly adapt to change and scale to meet our growing national and international demand.

Who has impacted you most in your life and how?

I’m going to go with the trite answer and say my husband.  He is the yin to my yang, the salt to my pepper, and the calm to my neuroses.

If you could choose to be any type of kitchen appliance, what would you be?

Most people would say toaster, but I’m more of a blender kind’a gal.

What piece of career or life advice would you give to recent college graduates?

Career advice: Work smarter, not harder. Then, work harder.

Life advice: Take more time off than you think you should and travel to as many places as you think you can.

What do you enjoy doing during your spare time?

The desert called to me, and my family recently relocated (back) to Phoenix, Arizona.  We like to explore how the city has evolved by trying new restaurants, hiking, and beating the 120 degree heat in the swimming pool.  We are also actively trying to become a no-waste household, including homemade laundry detergent, reusable Ziploc bags and paper towels, and urban composting.  And when I say “we”, my husband would obviously want me to clarify and say “me”.  Just me. 

Past Q&A Series 
Armin Lindegger – Project Coordinator
Lindsey Boehme – Project Manager
Charlotte Roberts – Vice President of eLearning
Rick Antonio – Customer Care Representative
Christine Nguyen – Content Coordinator
Darren Thomas-Menter – Operations Manager
Sara Popken – Director of eCommerce
Kristin Lynes – Vice President

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