Megan shares with us the trials and triumphs of CPA Exam preparation, all from the perspective of a non-accounting major. She currently resides in Pennsylvania, and is loving Roger CPA Review’s acclaimed review course to prepare for the BEC Exam.
I look at the clock. 4:45 pm on a Sunday. Where did the weekend go? Multiple choice question #56. My mind wanders. I look at the clock. 5:09 pm. Multiple choice question #57. Where did the last half hour go? How can there be 60 questions left? I swear this chapter will never end. These are my thoughts as I wade through Capital Budgeting homework.
I find myself hoping it will just end. I cant wait to reach the end of the homework assignment just so I can jump into a new lecture on my laptop. I find studying much more tolerable, even enjoyable, when I reach the point of beginning a new lecture. Nothing drags on more than multiple choice questions of a topic you either don’t like or don’t understand very well.
I guess studying for the CPA exam cant be all Roger and no practice. Well, for some, I guess that may be the case. Not for me. I know that the key to my success has been following Roger CPA Review’s suggestion of finishing each lecture with a review of the notes and completion of the multiple choice practice homework.
The scenario above happens to me at least once in preparation for each exam. I remember studying for my first section, FAR. Pensions dragged on for days with little visible progress. Whether it be a section that is difficult, completely new material or simply dry material, these roadblocks are inevitable. Each section of the CPA exam has its own challenges, and every student has different strengths and weaknesses when it comes to accounting knowledge.
When I get to a topic that feels heavy or just murky, I remind myself to push beyond it. Keeping my momentum is much more valuable than lamenting over a difficult area and allowing it to drain my confidence. It is better to look back at the end of the review course with a feeling of accomplishment that I completed the lessons rather than a feeling of disappointment that I allowed one topic to get the best of me.
There are a few reasons I choose to move on after a tough topic rather than allowing myself to become stuck on it. Often, I find that the topic makes more sense after I complete more lessons of related material. Additionally, once I cover all of the material, I realize how vast my knowledge has become. One confusing topic seems like a much smaller challenge once the rest of the course work is behind me.
It helps to remember that this journey is about perseverance not perfection. I have strived to be an overachiever all my life, so sure it would be nice to score high- but my goal is to pass! Roger keeps me focused on the big picture. All you need is a 75!