CPA Exam Score Release Dates

[Updated for 2025]

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Are you eagerly awaiting your CPA Exam scores? Score release dates are the most highly anticipated days on the road to becoming a CPA, as the results can determine the future of your accounting career.

The National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) releases scores to candidates and the State Boards of Accountancy based upon the Uniform CPA Exam score release timetables. The CPA Exam Score Release Dates are updated biannually by the American Institute of Public Accountants (AICPA).

2025 CPA Exam Test Dates & Score Release Dates

Core sections are available with continuous testing for 2025 exams.

If the AICPA receives your exam data file on or before Target Score Release Dates
January 23 February 7
February 14 February 25
March 9 March 18
March 31 April 9
April 23 May 8
May 16 May 28
June 8 June 17
June 30 July 10
July 23 August 7
August 15 August 26
September 7 September 16
September 30 October 9
October 23 November 7
November 15 November 25
December 31 January 13

The discipline sections will be administered in the first month of each quarter in 2025.

Testing Dates Your target score release date
January 1 - 31 March 14
April 1 - 30 May 16
June 1 - 30 July 17
July 1 - 31 September 11
October 1 - 31 December 16
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What Is The CPA Exam Score Release Process?

Once candidates have completed their exam, those exam data files are sent to the AICPA from Prometric, the testing center that administers the CPA Exam. The AICPA then forwards the scores to NASBA. Lastly, NASBA conveys the scores to the state boards of accountancy and the candidates. CPA Exam scores are released according to the timeline published by the AICPA.

What Factors Determine CPA Exam Score Release Dates?

All of us are well aware that the CPA Exam is computerized. Naturally, questions arise when you have to wait for a long period for the results. AICPA uses multiple quality assurance reviews to ensure the scoring accuracy of your answers.

Scoring accuracy is given a high level of importance and attention to avoid any kind of miscalculation. Furthermore, AICPA uses special systems to verify the correctness of a score if needed.

“Every candidate is judged against the same standards, and every score is an independent result.” The difficulty level of the question, as well as the pattern of correct and incorrect responses, is taken into account during the scoring process.”

How to Check Your CPA Score Online

Candidates from CA, IL, KY, NV, OK, and ND states may obtain their CPA Exam scores from their state board of accountancy’s website. All other candidates can obtain their scores from NASBA’s candidate portal.

List of NASBA States For Checking CPA Exam Scores

NASBA is an association founded to promote, supervise, and improve the efficacy of the state accountancy boards. NASBA states simply indicate the states that are under NASBA jurisdiction.

Alaska Georgia Maine New Hampshire Rhode Island
Colorado Guam Massachusetts New Jersey South Carolina
Connecticut Hawaii Michigan New Mexico Tennessee
Delaware Iowa Minnesota New York Utah
District of Indiana Missouri Ohio Vermont
Columbia Kansas Montana Puerto Rico Washington
Florida Louisiana Nebraska Pennsylvania Wisconsin

List of Non-NASBA States and Links To Check CPA Exam Scores

Important CPA Exam Score Release Information

  • The AICPA announces the CPA Exam score release dates for the first half in December of the previous year and the second half by June of the current year.
  • Prometric, the testing center that administers the CPA Exam, sends your exam data files to the AICPA within 24 hours after completion of the exam.
  • The AICPA sends your scores to NASBA on the target release date. The scores are typically published on NASBA’s CPA portal within 48 hours.
  • The release date may vary from person to person. Candidates who sat on the same day for the exam may receive scores at different times because of quality control procedures.
  • The scores can only be viewed on your NASBA account within the current testing window; an expiration date will be indicated. Printing your score is highly recommended.
  • If you have not achieved the passing score and want to retake a section, it usually takes up to five days from the score release date for that section to be fully closed.
  • Continue to revisit the online application, which will indicate when the exam section re-opens and is available for re-registration.

Before creating your CPA Exam study plan, we recommend that you look at the CPA Exam score release schedule. It will keep you updated on when to expect your CPA Exam results.


The AICPA releases a target release date timetable twice per year. Your score is typically published within 48 hours of the target release date.
The CPA Exam score release time varies. The majority of candidates will receive their scores at midnight EST. However, score release sometimes gets delayed.

On your target release date, log on to NASBA’s candidate portal and check if your CPA Exam score has been released. If it is not yet available, keep checking the online portal as your score may be slightly delayed.

The CPA Exam score release date may vary up to 48 hours from the target release date.
Typically, CPA Exam scores are not released any earlier than midnight EST of the target release date.
Your candidate performance report is given along with your score when you fail in any section of the CPA Exam.
The AICPA conducts intensive psychometric analyses, regular content reviews, and other quality control measures, leaving little room for error in administering, executing, and scoring the CPA Exam. However, if you believe there is an error in your score, there are score reviews and appeal processes available in many jurisdictions that can help you with the issue.
CPA Exam scores are confidential. No one can check your score or how many times you have appeared for the exam. When you are finished with the exam, the data is transferred from the Prometric testing center to the AICPA. Then, the AICPA delivers that information to NASBA. Finally, NASBA sends your score to your State Board of Accountancy.
The NASBA CPA Candidate Account does not keep your CPA Exam scores permanently. Scores are only available for the current window. “Score available until” means you will not be able to view the score after the expiration date. Thus, it is recommended that you print out the score notice once it is available to keep for your records.
International candidates’ CPA Exam results are announced generally one day after the results of domestic CPA Exam results.

Read more about the CPA Exam

Learn how CPA Exam scoring works so that you can prepare well for your CPA Exam.
Find out how to schedule your CPA Exam at the Prometric testing center.
Find out all the details you need about the CPA Exam’s format, structure, and content for each exam section.
Read about upcoming CPA Exam changes and learn more about the impending 2024 CPA Exam Evolution.
Ready to take on the CPA Exam? This guide will set you up for success as you begin the journey to CPA.
The cost for taking the exam varies by state and jurisdiction. Find out how much it costs to sit for the CPA Exam in your state.
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