Digital CPA Exam Flashcards

Study Smarter With Digital CPA Exam Flashcards

Strengthen your understanding of CPA concepts with UWorld CPA Review flashcards. Featuring spaced-repetition technology, our CPA flashcards help you hone in on topics you struggle with. Study smarter with UWorld.

*No Credit Card Required

UWorld CPA Review flashcards feature displayed on smartphone
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Use Pre-Curated Flashcards or Customize to Fit Your Needs

Review thousands of Expert ReadyDeck flashcards curated by CPAs and accounting educators, or create your own from our source material.

Content Transfer

Effortlessly copy text, diagrams, and mnemonics from our course content into new or existing flashcards

Retain More
With Spaced Repetition

Learn and recall key CPA concepts needed to pass the exam

Flashcard Browsing

Quickly locate and review CPA flashcards on specific exam topics with expanded, easy-to-use filters

Expertly Written and Up To Date

All of our UWorld CPA Review course packages come with 2,000+ Expert ReadyDeck flashcards written by active CPAs. They reflect current AICPA blueprints and teach valuable CPA concepts with detailed illustrations and summaries.

Expertly Written and Up To Date

UWorld CPA Review flashcard example, front and back of card

All of our UWorld CPA Review course packages come with 200+ Expert Deck flashcards written by active CPAs. They reflect current AICPA blueprints and teach valuable CPA concepts with detailed illustrations and summaries

Harness the Magic of Spaced Repetition

Spaced-repetition technology depicting “again,” “good,” and “easy” selections

Spaced-repetition technology is proven to enhance information retention and recall. You rate how well you understand the concept behind each flashcard, and our algorithm adjusts the frequency of topics presented based on your proficiency.

Harness the Magic of Spaced Repetition

Spaced-repetition technology is proven to enhance information retention and recall. You rate how well you understand the concept behind each flashcard, and our algorithm adjusts the frequency of topics presented based on your proficiency.

Comprehensive Content Coverage

No matter where you are in your CPA journey, we have you covered. With over 2,800 total AUD, FAR, REG, ISC, TCP, and BAR flashcards, you won't need to worry about content gaps. Our experts ensure you have everything you need to pass on your first try.

Comprehensive Content Coverage

UWorld CPA Review flashcard progress for four CPA concepts

No matter where you are in your CPA journey, we have you covered. With over 800 total AUD, BEC, FAR, REG, ISC, TCP and BAR flashcards, you won’t need to worry about content gaps. Our experts ensure you have everything you need to pass on your first try.

Note: BEC flashcards will no longer be available after 2023 as per the 2024 CPA Exam changes.

Stay Exam Ready, Even On The Go

Selectable CPA flashcard topics depicted on a smartphone

With the UWorld CPA Review mobile app, you can practice and prepare CPA flashcards from anywhere. Your content will automatically save and sync across devices. Download the app on Google Play or in Apple’s App Store.

Stay Exam Ready, Even On The Go

With the UWorld CPA Review mobile app, you can practice and prepare CPA flashcards from anywhere. Your content will automatically save and sync across devices. Download the app on Google Play or in Apple’s App Store.

How to Get the Most Out of Digital CPA Review Flashcards

The best and most effective way to learn and retain CPA Exam information is to use our digital flashcards and the spaced-repetition methodology. The following are our recommended best practices when doing so.

The best thing you can do before starting your CPA Exam studies is to create a study plan. Set realistic study goals for what you want to accomplish each day, week, and month. Take into consideration the activities and events you have planned, as well as when, where, and for how long you’ll be able to study. Ensure you add time for flashcard review into your plan.

Use digital flashcards to review newly learned concepts after each chapter. If you’re having difficulty with a particular area, spend extra time reviewing and focusing on those flashcard topics for a deeper understanding of the material.
Whenever you have extra time — whether waiting in line at a grocery store, for dinner to finish cooking, or in between Zoom calls — pull out your flashcard app and start reviewing your CPA Exam material. Work in multiple, short sessions, even if the sessions only last for a few minutes. By spacing out your study sessions and using spaced repetition, you’ll learn and recall CPA Exam concepts much more efficiently and effectively.
Digital CPA Exam flashcards are great for mobile study sessions and when away from home. The idea behind digital accounting flashcards is to help reinforce foundational CPA Exam concepts in a portable, mobile-friendly format, allowing for fun and simplified studying. Digital flashcards are accessible and at your fingertips in a small, compact device. You have the opportunity to study anywhere and at any time, which makes reviewing or learning new concepts convenient, easy, and fast.

Hear What Candidates Have to Say

Frequently Asked Questions

UWorld CPA Review flashcards come in two forms: Expert ReadyDeck and custom flashcards. The former are flashcards created by our team of CPAs and accounting educators based on AICPA blueprints. The latter are flashcards created by you from our review material and based on your needs.
UWorld CPA Review flashcards are proven to help candidates learn and retain critical CPA concepts. This is done through an adherence to AICPA blueprints and incorporation of adaptive spaced-repetition technology.
Candidates who use UWorld CPA Review can easily transfer text, illustrations, and charts into a custom flashcard interface. This software comes with an advanced search functionality to ensure you can organize and study specific topics as needed.
Making CPA flashcards should be considered an initial step in your study efforts. As you read text, listen to lectures, or practice sample problems, creating flashcards will help you conceptualize the topics being covered. Once you’ve created and organized your flashcards, it’s just as important to review them for long-term retention.
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