Study Smarter With Digital CPA Exam Flashcards
Strengthen your understanding of CPA concepts with UWorld CPA Review flashcards. Featuring spaced-repetition technology, our CPA flashcards help you hone in on topics you struggle with. Study smarter with UWorld.
*No Credit Card Required
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Content Transfer
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With Spaced Repetition
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Expertly Written and Up To Date
All of our UWorld CPA Review course packages come with 2,000+ Expert ReadyDeck flashcards written by active CPAs. They reflect current AICPA blueprints and teach valuable CPA concepts with detailed illustrations and summaries.
Expertly Written and Up To Date
All of our UWorld CPA Review course packages come with 200+ Expert Deck flashcards written by active CPAs. They reflect current AICPA blueprints and teach valuable CPA concepts with detailed illustrations and summaries
Harness the Magic of Spaced Repetition
Spaced-repetition technology is proven to enhance information retention and recall. You rate how well you understand the concept behind each flashcard, and our algorithm adjusts the frequency of topics presented based on your proficiency.
Harness the Magic of Spaced Repetition
Spaced-repetition technology is proven to enhance information retention and recall. You rate how well you understand the concept behind each flashcard, and our algorithm adjusts the frequency of topics presented based on your proficiency.
Comprehensive Content Coverage
No matter where you are in your CPA journey, we have you covered. With over 800 total AUD, BEC, FAR, REG, ISC, TCP and BAR flashcards, you won’t need to worry about content gaps. Our experts ensure you have everything you need to pass on your first try.
Note: BEC flashcards will no longer be available after 2023 as per the 2024 CPA Exam changes.
How to Get the Most Out of Digital CPA Review Flashcards
The best and most effective way to learn and retain CPA Exam information is to use our digital flashcards and the spaced-repetition methodology. The following are our recommended best practices when doing so.
The best thing you can do before starting your CPA Exam studies is to create a study plan. Set realistic study goals for what you want to accomplish each day, week, and month. Take into consideration the activities and events you have planned, as well as when, where, and for how long you’ll be able to study. Ensure you add time for flashcard review into your plan.
The best thing you can do before starting your CPA Exam studies is to create a study plan. Set realistic study goals for what you want to accomplish each day, week, and month. Take into consideration the activities and events you have planned, as well as when, where, and for how long you’ll be able to study. Ensure you add time for flashcard review into your plan.
Hear What Candidates Have to Say
The feature to create a flashcard has been, by far, my favorite addition. The multiple choice explanations and colorful diagrams have been really helpful, as well. The phone app is very user-friendly. I really do love using UWorld CPA Review. Now, it's time to pass these exams.
UWorld CPA Review provided me with all the necessary tools to pass all four sections on the first attempt. The course is full of helpful features, such as SmartPath Technology, flashcards, a mobile app for on-the-go learning, and peace of mind with unlimited access.
I just finished my last CPA exam and can't thank UWorld enough for getting me through it all. I passed all of my exams on the first attempt! Thank you for helping me take this leap forward in my career. I would highly recommend UWorld CPA Review!