Top 5 Tips to Win the CPA Exam Waiting Game:

Important Update:
Say goodbye to blackout periods! CPA Exam candidates can now sit for the CPA Exam anytime.
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How to Effectively & Efficiently Wait on Your CPA Exam Scores

1) Plan a Pass Party. Planning a celebratory party or trip (Vegas!) for when you pass the CPA Exam will both give you something to look forward to, and serve as a motivational beacon if you dont pass. Celebrate or re-motivate. Its a win win!

2) Use the blackout window: A blackout window is the perfect opportunity for you to launch your study planner for your next exam. You can use this time to channel your nervous energy into productive energy to study for and pass the coming exams.

3) Try something new. Preparation for the CPA Exam can be taxing (HA!); sometimes it can feel like you’re eating, sleeping and dreaming the CPA Exam. Use this downtime as an opportunity to be adventurous! Fling yourself from an airplane like Roger, in the video below!

4) Look into other ways to improve yourself professionally. You can use this time to perfect other aspects of your professional self. Passing the CPA Exam is just one facet; revamp your resume, polish your interview skills, and take advantage of community courses that will help to further your career.

5) Be mentally prepared for any outcome. As you all know, passing the CPA Exam is tough! While we still believe in positive thinking, mapping out a Plan B can help you to keep the situation in perspective. For example, If I don’t pass, the world will not come to an end. This is how I am going to change my plan of attack to conquer the next round.

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