5 Ways To Stick To Your New Year’s Resolutions


Ah, the beginning of a new year means the beginning of those fabled things called New Year’s Resolutions. You know… all those promises you made to yourself the week in between inhaling candy canes and popping those loud cardboard popper things. 

Only 8% of people ever reach their New Year’s resolutions. And less than half of people are still trying past the end of January.

But not you – no, you know that the reasons for becoming a CPA  far outweigh the costs and you are going to stick to your goals like gum in your 5-year-old kid’s hair.

That’s why we are offering this small little reminder of ways that you can keep your resolutions – we want you to hit those books, stick to your schedule, and reach your dream career as a CPA.

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Making New Year’s Resolutions and Sticking to Them

1. Write it down.

Even if you didn’t write it down and track your progress from the 1st of the year, writing down your goals will give you small milestones to aim for, a reminder in your bathroom mirror, and solidify your renewed vigor at conquering the exam.

2. Tell your plan to the people closest to you.

Then, make sure that they keep you accountable and on track.

3. Don’t forget to reward yourself.

Get in 3 hours of studying every day and 2 practice exams this week? Treat yourself to a little something-something. This will help keep you motivated and rev-up your engines for the next small goal.

4. Expect setbacks.

Just because you didn’t meet a small goal does not mean to need to beat yourself up and give-in. Life happens, and sometimes there is nothing you can do to change circumstances. Just wake up the next day and go at it full-force again. There’s no reason to let one bad day or week keep you from fulfilling your accomplishment

5. Start a New Year’s Resolution today.

Who says you have to make an irrevocable decision on the 31st of the year? Make the decision today to start studying more, getting help when you need it, practicing your simulations, and buckling down.

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