Archives: Learning Center Videos

CPA Exam Game Plan

Passing the CPA Exam will be one of your most rewarding professional accomplishments—but where do you start? Research shows that having a clear plan of attack is critical to CPA Exam success. Start today with this exclusive free webcast from the most celebrated instructor in CPA Exam preparation, Roger Philipp, CPA, CGMA. Tune in as Roger provides you with the guidance you need to set an airtight CPA Exam game plan.

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CPA Exam Changes: Now, Future, & Beyond

Change is coming! As trends in technology continue to transform the accounting profession, the CPA Exam must evolve to reflect the skills and knowledge required of a newly licensed CPA. In fact, some major exam changes are right around the corner in 2021. For a quick overview of the changes happening right now, in the future, and beyond, join Roger Philipp, CPA, CGMA for this exclusive webcast.

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